Since I started this website I have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who want to get in touch with me. Whether it’s to pick my brains a little about the latest developments in the financial sector or to offer advice on how I can make my visitors’ experiences on this website a little better, every piece of feedback that I receive is valuable.

That is why I would like to encourage everybody who visits The African Salesman to contact me and let me know about their thoughts. I always want to hear from anybody who has anything to say about the site, plus I provide a number of opportunities for businesses and individuals who want to appeal to the large audience the site has managed to develop over the years.

With that being said, let’s take a more detailed look at the reasons why I think you should take the time to contact me.

You Wish To Provide Feedback

All of the feedback I receive about the site and its content is used to make The African Salesman better. If you have experienced any technical glitches or have found that the site doesn’t run as it should in your browser I would like to hear from you, as finding out about such problems is the first step towards getting them solved.

I also want to hear from you if you have any feedback or ideas about the topics we cover on the site. I try to ensure that our blog posts cover the financial sector and everything related to it is comprehensively as possible, but I always think that I can do more. With your help and guidance I can understand exactly what my readers want to find out about, which allows me to ensure that future posts cover those subjects in more detail.

Of course, I would also love to hear from anybody who has positive words to say about the site. Your encouragement is what has helped me to keep persevering with the site over the last few years and I am always delighted to find out that my advice has helped somebody make important financial decisions in their own lives.

You Wish To Contribute

As The African Salesman’s audience started to grow I quickly realized that I would not be able to provide all of the news and advice that my visitors needed on my own. This is why I opened the blog up to guest contributors who have useful advice and insight to provide of their own.

Anybody can write for my blog, as long as they have something useful to share with my visitors. If you would like to discuss this opportunity and what it could mean for you and your own website or blog, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You don’t need any previous experience with writing web content. All I ask is that you are able to provide useful insight into one of the many topics that I cover here at The African Salesman.


My aim is to ensure all of the visitors to my website are able to locate the products and services they need to help them put the advice they find here into action.

I am able to do this thanks to a network of advertising partners who offer services related to the finance niche. Each of my advertisers is offered the opportunity to gain exposure with a targeted audience that is extremely likely to be interested in who they are and what they have to offer.

If you would like to join this network I would like to hear from you. I treat my partners with the utmost respect and I want to make sure that your advertising reaches the eyes of those who most need to see it.

You Have More Questions

I am here to help you get ahead with your finances. This site was created with the intention of offering as much advice as possible about finance, and I want to be available to all visitors who may have additional questions or need a little more help.

If you have any queries at all about how you can apply the advice and information you find in the blog at The African Salesman, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to creating dialogs and debating issues with my visitors, as this helps me to become a better writer, while also offering me the opportunity to do what I do best with this site – help others.

If you have any feedback about the site and what we could do better or you’d like to submit a guest post, please contact me through to form that you can find at the bottom of this page.
